
New Challenges and New Responses

There is one line in this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, that really struck a chord in me. While discussing the emerging leadership structure of the newly formed tribes of Israel and realizing that new leaders may wish to return to Egypt to acquire additional horses, G-d instructed that no…

A Living Bridge: Welcome Our Israeli Young Emissaries!

Friends, since I am out of town this Shabbat, I have asked Heather Fiedler, our Federation's Associate Vice President of Jewish Education and Leadership, to share with you some exciting news about our Israeli Young Emissaries for 2016-2017. I hope you will have the opportunity to meet them s…

Applying the Lessons of Summer

Friends, I will be out of town this Shabbat and next, so my colleagues will be sharing weekly reflections with you during that time. This week's message is from Heather Fiedler, our Federation's Associate Vice President of Jewish Education and Leadership. Shabbat Shalom. - Howard

It happens…

A Small Community with a Big Impact


This week, in Parashat Va’etchanan, Moses is again denied access to the Land of Israel despite his persistent prayers, but he is permitted to peer across the river to the “land of milk and honey.” He speaks to the Israelites and reinforces the importance of keeping the Commandments whe…

All Israel

This week we begin reading from the book of Deuteronomy, a special marker in the history of our people. The Israelites are completing their journey through the wilderness, having spent 40 years creating a community, a people. Moses, who has learned he will not be permitted to enter the Promi…