
Israel Fire Relief: How You Can Help

Dear Friends,
After more than a week of battling an unprecedented 480 fires that have raged across Israel, there is much rebuilding work to be done.
Nearly 100,000 people have been displaced and thousands of acres of land have been ravaged. People must now return to their damaged homes…

A Judaism for the Next Generation

Friends, this Shabbat our Young Adult and Special Affinities Director, Abbey Cohn, shares her unique perspective as a young adult on the Jewish Federation of North America's General Assembly, which several of us attended earlier in the week. I hope you learn as much from Abbey's reflection a…

Our Covenant with Democracy

More than ever, we need Shabbat this week to take time to absorb the results of this historic election. As we reflect on the transition of leadership in our country, we must also take account of what is most important to each of us as American Jews.

This week's Torah portion, Lech L'cha, tr…

Rejoicing in Our Differences

The Torah portion this Shabbat, Noach, contains not one but two famous stories of humanity's past: Noah and the flood, and the Tower of Babel.

There was a time when everyone on Earth had the same language. Human society was so cohesive that people decided to "build a city and a tower with i…

May We Be Strengthened


Friends, at the Federation Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday evening, Ted Zablotsky, M.D., our Board Secretary, shared this wonderful D'var Torah. I hope you find it as meaningful as I did. Shabbat Shalom. - Howard

Earlier this week, we celebrated Simchas Torah (which means Rejoicing …