
UNESCO Resolution Is Revisionist History that Delegitimizes Israel

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is bitterly disappointed that UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) would seek to fan the flames of religious and cultural conflict with the draft resolution passed at the committee stage earlier this week.

The resol…

Remember to Make New Memories

We are getting close to the end of the Torah cycle, and this week we read in Vayelech about the transition of power from Moses to Joshua. Moses stands before the Tribes of Israel and acknowledges that he is 120 years old, not able to go out or come in and prohibited from crossing the Jordan …

Remembering Shimon Peres z"l

Dear Friends, 

Our Federation is deeply saddened by the passing of former Israeli President Shimon Peres, one of the greatest forces for peace in the Middle East. Twenty-seven men from our community had the great honor and privilege of meeting with Mr. Peres at the Peres Center for Peace i…

The 10% Factor

Between the presidential election and our beloved UConn Huskies, percentages are an inescapable feature of this season's news cycle. And they are very valuable tools: Percentages give us perspective and help us to be more structured and objective in the way we view and interpret the world ar…

Lions of Our Community

Since joining the Federation in June, one of the most satisfying aspects of my work has been getting to know the amazing women of our Jewish community. They are bright, dynamic, and deeply committed to creating a better life for Jews here in Greater Hartford and around the world.