
One Nation, One Family

Friends, this week I have asked Jay Gershman and Lee Pollock, Co-Chairs of our 2017 Men's Mission to Israel, to share a bit about our upcoming trip and what it means to our community. I look forward to joining them as we journey to Israel next week. Shabbat Shalom! - Howard

Over the last co…

U.S. Abstention from UN Vote Is Unacceptable

The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is deeply disappointed that the United States abstained from Friday's vote on the one-sided, anti-Israel resolution that was passed by the UN Security Council.

The decision to abstain undermined a core principle of American foreign policy that has …

Wrestling Might Be Good for You!


My grandfather loved wrestling! For a man who escaped the pogroms of Europe and worked 16 hours a day, wrestling was not only his escape but also a metaphor for his life, which was full of struggle. No matter how hard we tried to dissuade him, he always believed in the purity of the sport, t…

Coming Together as One Family

Friends, this week I have asked Heather Fiedler, our Federation's Associate Vice President of Jewish Education and Leadership, and Miriam Brander, a Program Officer in our Planning and Community Impact department, to share some inspiring information about a program that is bringing us togeth…

Is the Battle Over?

It is an old story: the battle of good over evil, the struggle between the powerful forces that define who we are, how we live and how we relate to one another.

This week's Torah portion, Toldot, tells the story of Jacob and Esau, twins born to elderly parents, Isaac and Rebecca. From the t…