
And Then There Were None

My parents lived during WWII and remember vividly the accounts of those who survived the Holocaust. I remember meeting my cousin Madeline, who was hidden by a Polish physician during the war and who arrived in Brooklyn as a young woman. I have spent time with men and women who bear the tatto…

"Let My People Go"... But Where?

It is a thing to celebrate, becoming free from slavery and oppression. But happens next? What happens when you are forced to leave unimaginable conditions and have no place to find refuge? What happens when doors are shut and options evaporate and freedom becomes another form of desperation?…

Softening Hearts of Stone

Why has it taken so long to soften our hearts to those who are different?

On Monday, we commemorate the birth of one of our national heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King engaged in a lifelong struggle to soften the hearts of those who stood in the way of complete freedom and equali…

The Unsung Heroes

One of the first movies I saw was The Ten Commandments, with Charlton Heston playing the larger-than life-hero, Moses. I sat with my grandparents watching in awe the many miraculous feats he performed and how he almost singlehandedly gained freedom for his people from the hands of Pharaoh.

The Family Makes the Man

Friends, this week the Chair of our Federation, Cary Lakenbach, shares a bit of his own Jewish story with you. Happy New Year and Shabbat Shalom. - Howard
I have the utmost admiration for Howard. His Friday messages are inspirational and beautifully cap a week. They also set a bar that …