The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is shocked and saddened by the mass shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday. Words are insufficient to convey our community's heartbreak, horror and pain. This was the worst attack on members of the American Jewish community in the history of our nation.
Our hearts are in Pittsburgh as we mourn the loss of 11 innocent lives and pray for a refuah shleimah, a speedy and complete healing, for the injured. We are thankful for the courage of the wounded law enforcement officers and for every level of law enforcement - especially our local police departments - who provide invaluable support.
We join with our fellow Americans across faith communities in condemning the rising tide of anti-Semitism, white nationalism, racism and hatred directed at Jews and other vulnerable minorities. An attack on one community is an attack on all Americans and on the ideals for which our diverse nation stands. We call upon our elected officials and all people of good will to have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred.
How Federation Is Helping
- On Sunday, our Federation convened a community candlelight vigil at Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford. More than 800 people attended.
- Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is organizing a Solidarity Shabbat for this coming weekend, November 2 and 3. Synagogues across the continent are participating.
- Contributions to Federation's Annual Campaign help to support the Secure Community Network (SCN), which is exclusively dedicated to the safety and security of Jewish institutions and communities across the country. SCN immediately deployed assets to Pittsburgh to support local security experts in dealing with this horrible situation.
- Our Federation serves as a convener to coordinate security efforts across our local Jewish agencies, schools and synagogues. We maintain strong relationships with law enforcement authorities in Hartford and West Hartford. We are planning a community security summit for later this fall; more information is coming soon.
How You Can Help
- Fill the synagogues and take Shabbat back. Our Federation will distribute a local listing of Solidarity Shabbat services and remembrances via email, Facebook and our website on Friday morning. You can also find a community through this webpage created by JFNA.
- Contribute to the Victims of Terror Fund. Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has set up a fund for psychological services, reconstruction, medical bills, and trauma support for Pittsburgh's Jewish community. You can donate here or send a check to us at Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, Attn: Victims of Terror Fund, 333 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite C, West Hartford CT 06117. We will forward all earmarked contributions to Pittsburgh.
- Contact your local and national elected officials. Let your representatives know where you stand on anti-Semitism and other forms of hate. Our Jewish Community Relations Guide includes tips for contacting elected officials, contact information for officials in our Federation's service area, advice for writing an op-ed, and a variety of Jewish news feeds to help you stay informed.
Our Federation and its community relations arm, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Hartford, are committed to working toward peace and tolerance and fighting hatred and bigotry in all its forms. We are grateful for your support, concern and partnership.
Howard Sovronsky
President & CEO