Beth El Temple invites you to join us at Sunday morning minyan for the mitzvah of wrapping Tefillin! The rabbis will be available to help with tefillin at 8:30am. Minyan begins at 8:45am.
Afterwards, Beth El Men’s Club hosts a breakfast buffet and a presentation by Beth El’s own Frank Resnick: "Do I Really Have to Save for College?" (The answer might be no!) Resnick will discuss current issues in college financial aid and how it works, cost of higher education and affordability, and saving strategies especially if your child or grandchild is many years away from starting college.
Frank Resnick worked in higher education for 32 years, serving numerous positions at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, including seven years as the University’s Director of Financial Aid. He holds an M.S. Degree in College Administration from Indiana University and has worked in the area of college financial planning for more than 40 years.Frank is Past President of the Connecticut Association of Professional Financial Aid Administrators and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Student Loan Foundation, the Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority, and the Connecticut Higher Education Trust. Frank was active in the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and The College Scholarship Service. He has also served as a Consultant for the U. S. Education Department, the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He is currently a college financing consultant and speaks frequently on the topic to high school parents, professional associations, and other organizations.
The breakfast buffet and program begin after morning minyan. The cost for this program is $10 and includes breakfast ($5 for Men's Club members or minyan attendees). Please RSVP to Jacob Kovel (860-651-9366 or by Wednesday, January 30th.
Sponsor: Beth El Temple Men's Club