In 1940, in the Jewish ghetto of Nazi-occupied Warsaw, the Polish historian Emanuel Ringelblum established a clandestine scholarly organization called the Oyneg Shabes to record the experiences of the ghetto’s inhabitants. For three years, members of the Oyneg Shabes worked in secret to chronicle the lives of hundereds of thousands as they suffered starvation, disease, and deportation by the Nazis. Shortly before the Warsaw ghetto was emptied and razed in 1943, the Oyneg Shabes buried thousands of documents from this massive archive in milk cans and tin boxes, ensuring that the voice and culture of a doomed people would outlast the efforts of their enemies to silence them. In 2018, Trinity College Professor Sam Kassow’s book was made into a film directed by Roberta Grossman. Program registrants will receive a link to view the film at their convenience in the two weeks period prior to the program, so be sure to register early! Samuel D. Kassow is the Charles Northam Professor of History at Trinity College and the author of several books.