
3 2023

Sushi in the Sukkah!

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

Mandell JCC of Greater Hartford
Please register by September 13th 335 Bloomfield Ave
West Hartford, CT 06117

Contact Max Beede
(860) 386-5830

Join us for a free Good. Great. Greater Hartford community get-together complete with complimentary sushi, pizza, warm beverages, & loads of fun for everyone! Whether you’re new to Greater Hartford, an established professional, or in search of friends for the kiddos, you’re invited to meet new members of the Jewish community as we celebrate Sukkot together. Be sure to bring the young ones for arts & crafts with PJ Library!

RSVP Here: https://www.jewishhartford.org/sushiinthesukkah

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford