
15 2023

Shir Joy

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

Congregation Beth Israel 701 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119
860-233-8215 bethisrael@cbict.org

Contact Laura Deutsch

"Shir Joy" is our CBI community singing group and about to begin its second year. This is a group for those who love to sing and are interested in singing contemporary Jewish music for Shabbat, holidays, and general musical enjoyment. The songs are mostly in English with some Hebrew (transliterations) and reading music is not required - we learn mostly by rote. Led by our long-time member, music teacher, and cantorial soloist Laura Deutsch, this will be a fun and casual experience with some opportunities for singing at services, holidays and celebrations. By popular demand, this group will be meeting twice monthly when the temple is open. Our hope is to attract many people in our diverse congregation to experience the joy of singing in community. Contact Laura at singalongtoo@gmail.com for any additional information or questions.