
17 2017

Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum holds Adult Ed Classes at Temple Beth Hillel

11:00AM - 12:00PM  

Temple Beth Hillel 20 Baker Lane
South Windsor, CT 06074
8602828466 (Phone)
860-282-8466 (Fax)

Contact Lori Rondinone
860-282-8466 (Phone)
860-282-8466 (Fax)

Temple Beth Hillel is pleased to offer “From the Fish’s Mouth” Jewish insights on living from the book of Jonah, a series of adult education classes led by Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum. Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum is a graduate of Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. He brings a love of Judaism that is contagious. He has worked with both children and adults in the Synagogue setting for over 40 years. Rabbi Glickman says,” Temple Beth Hillel is thrilled to welcome such a hero in the Jewish community.”
The book of Jonah is the highlight of the High Holidays, and contains concepts that get to the root of who we are as a Jew. We will read the book of Jonah paying special attention to the values that we can use to enrich our Jewish lives.
The first three classes are sponsored by the Temple Beth Hillel Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. Classes are Sundays, September 10, 17, & 24 from 11-12 pm. All classes will be at Temple Beth Hillel. Temple Beth Hillel is a Reform Synagogue located at 20 Baker Lane, South Windsor CT. Temple Beth Hillel invites you to all their services, For more information contact the office at 860-282-8466, or view the website at