
26 2017

Nurture The Wow: Parenting as a Spiritual Practice with Danya Ruttenberg

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Beth El Temple 2626 Albany Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117


Contact Women's Network

$ Cost $ 18.00

Beth El Temple Women’s Network, in partnership with the Mandell JCC's Jewish Book Festival, Solomon Schecter Day School, Pearl Society of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, Mikveh Bess Israel, Emanuel Synagogue Sisterhood and Hadassah Greater Hartford, Presents:

Nurture The Wow: Parenting as a Spiritual Practice with Danya Ruttenberg

The work of parenting--and living in connection with others in general--can be glorious, and amazing. And it can be, at least as often, frustrating, crazymaking, and mind-numbingly boring. How can the riches of the Jewish tradition help us to transform the most difficult moments with our children and the other people in our lives? How can it illuminate the beautiful moments in powerful new ways? But not only that: What do parents who are deep in the trenches of this labor of love, have to teach Judaism about what spirituality is and can be? And, most critically, what might happen if we regard the work of raising children--and being in loving connection with other people as a whole--as a legitimate spiritual practice in its own right? This talk will explore these essential questions of heart and soul, and their implications for parents of young children, and anyone else who might ever try to connect deeply with another human being.

Tickets are $18 per person in advance, $20 at the door.