Panel Discussion: Jewish Perspectives of Reproductive Health, Rights, & Justice | March 30
Wednesday, March 30 | 7 pm | Zoom webinar
Hear from Jewish clergy and thought leaders about why abortion is a Jewish issue, why we should be paying attention, and what to do next.
Moderator/Presenter: Jody Rabhan, Chief Policy Officer, National Council of Jewish Women
Rabbi Sarah Marion, Congregation B’nai Israel of Bridgeport, CT
Rabbi Rona Shapiro, Congregation B’nai Jacob of Woodbridge, CT
Rabbi Tuvia Brander, Young Israel of West Hartford, CT
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Advance registration required; a link will be provided before the program.
Presented by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Hartford, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, and the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County
Sponsor: JCRCs of Greater Hartford, Greater New Haven, and Upper Fairfield County