The Farmington Avenue synagogues of Beth Israel and Beth David will welcome Shabbat Nachamu with a shared Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat celebration. The event will be outdoors at Beth David featuring a festive welcoming of Shabbat with songs familiar to the traditional services of each congregation. Kabbalat Shabbat will be immediately followed by two separate Maariv services; a reform Maariv will take place outside while the orthodox service will be inside. The two groups will then come together again for Kiddush and an open-air Oneg Shabbat. Rabbi Yitzchok Adler will speak at the beginning of the program to welcome everyone and explain why the two synagogues chose August 12, and Rabbi Michael Pincus will deliver a Dvar Torah at the conclusion of Kabbalat Shabbat. Reservations will not be required and there will be security at the event.