Say HINENI with Us at Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford's 2019 Annual Meeting!
Thursday, June 13, 2019 | 7:00 p.m.
The Emanuel Synagogue | 160 Mohegan Drive | West Hartford
Come celebrate with us as we:
- Elect a new slate of Officers, Board Members and Community and Life Trustees
- Present the Henry M. Zachs Spirit of Judaism Award to Alan Solinsky, M.D., and Richard B. Nabel, J.D., Ed.D.
- Honor outstanding Jewish teen educators
- Show our appreciation to outgoing leadership
- Thank Cary Lakenbach for his service as Chair of the Board and welcome incoming Board Chair Carolyn Gitlin
- Say farewell to retiring Federation President & CEO Howard Sovronsky and welcome incoming Federation President & CEO David Waren
Dessert reception follows | Laws of kashrut observed
Reservations required | Seating is limited
Kindly reply by June 7 to Linda Toce | 860.727.6112