FVJC-ES, Temple Sinai, and Congregation Beth Israel
joint Shavuot Program on
Tuesday May 30th, 2017 at 7pm
at Congregation Beth Israel
701 Farmington Ave., West Hartford
The holiday of Shavuot celebrates the receiving of Torah at Mt. Sinai. According to tradition,
each of us were there at this momentous event and recommit ourselves to the values of
our tradition. Today Shavuot is observed with an all-night or late night Torah study,
and the indulgence in dairy foods, particularly desserts like cheese cake and ice cream,
for, according to King Solomon, the Torah is "like honey and milk.
Join us as we enjoy both these traditions on Erev Shavuot!
7:00pm - Gathering & Introductions
7:15pm - Learning (Pick a Session)
-God (Rabbi Bennett)
-Ten Commandments (Rabbi Pincus)
-Spiritual Wonderings (Rabbi Goldman & Rabbi Fliegel)
-Music of Shavuot (Cantor Philips & Sabrina Lipton)
8:00pm - Service in the Chapel
8:45pm - Ice Cream Dessert
Sponsor: FVJC-ES, Temple Sinai, and Congregation Beth Israel