
22 2017

Escaping ISIS: A Documentary Film and Discussion of the Yazidi Crisis

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117

Contact Susan Rosenstein

Join us for a powerful documentary film and discussion about the atrocities perpetrated by ISIS on the Yazidi ethno-religious group in northern Iraq. Using undercover footage and survivor interviews, this film provides a chilling account of abuse, murder, and ethnic cleansing. The program will take place at the Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford on January 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm. It is hosted by the Connecticut Coalition for Yazidi Relief and Emanuel Synagogue’s Social Action Committee.
Following the film, we will discuss programs actively dealing with this crisis and the steps that people can take to help address the situation.
The general public, university students, and high school students are invited to attend. (This topic is not suitable for younger children.) The suggested donation to assist in aiding Yazidi Genocide survivors is $20 per adult and $5 per student. The film and discussion will be at Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford. Please RSVP to CTYazidirelief@gmail.com.

Sponsor: Emanuel Synagogue’s Social Action Committee and The Connecticut Coalition for Yazidi Relief