
29 2020

Dr. Marion Kaplan to lecture on Jewish Refugees in Portugal (UConn Storrs)

1:45PM - 3:00PM  

Babbidge Library, UConn Storrs Class of '47 Room
Storrs, Mansfield, CT 06269

Contact Pamela Weathers

Please join us for a talk with NYU historian Dr. Marion Kaplan who will present the UConn Center for Judaic Studies Gene and Georgia Mittelman Lecture in Judaic Studies on Hitler's Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal.

Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Time: 1:45 pm
Place: Class of '47 Room, Babbidge Library, UConn Storrs
Dr. Kaplan will also present this program at UConn Stamford on Tuesday, 1/28.

The lecture is free and open to the public. If you require an accommodation to participate, please contact Pamela Weathers at pamela.weathers@uconn.edu or 860-486-2271.

Sponsor: UConn Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life