
20 2021

Discussion: The Importance of the Babylonian Exile

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel 701 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119

Contact Congregation Israel

This is a Zoom event.
How did the Babylonian exile affect the evolution of Jewish religious practice?
How are Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel involved in this story? Join CBI member Jeff Rudikoff for a discussion of this topic which has fascinated participants in CBI’s weekly Torah study.
Jeff Rudikoff is a retired radiologist and has been a member of Congregation Beth Israel for 30 years. He became interested in Jewish history when he became aparent at age 25. He has spent 55 years trying to answer the question of how we, as a people, a small fraction of 1% of the world population, with no central location and no common spoken language, have survived for so many centuries. He has enjoyed the journey and is still searching for the answer.