
13 2017

Davening Do's and Don'ts with Cantor Scott Harris

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Beth Hillel 20 Baker Lane
South Windsor, CT 06074
8602828466 Admin@tbhsw.org

Contact Lori Rondinone

Join us at Temple Beth Hillel of South Windsor on as Tuesday evening, June 13th at 7:00 pm as The Adult Education Committee presents “Davening Do’s and Don’ts with Cantor Scott Harris. If you were ever wondering when and why we stand, sit, bend our knees, and bow during prayer, at long last Cantor Harris explains the whys and wherefores of our rituals and the choreography of our services. Come join us and be enlightened!! This event is free and all are welcome to attend!!! Temple Beth Hillel is a Reform Synagogue located at 20 Baker Lane in South Windsor. For more information contact the Temple at 860-282-8466 or Admin@tbhsw.org.To learn more about Temple Beth Hillel log on to our website at Tbhsw.org.

Sponsor: TBH Adult Education Committee