
14 2024

CBI's Adult Ed Trip to Newport, RI

8:30AM - 6:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel 701 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119
860-233-8215 bethisrael@cbict.org

Contact Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum

$ Cost $ 40.00

Join us for a visit to Newport, Rhode Island, where we’ll visit the Touro Synagogue and the Breakers Mansion. The Touro Synagogue, built in 1763, is the oldest synagogue building still standing in the United States and the only surviving synagogue building dating to the colonial era. The Breakers is the grandest of Newport’s summer “cottages” and a symbol of the Vanderbilt family’s social and financial and financial preeminence in the Gilded Age. There will also be time to walk around Newport on your own, have lunch, and walk on the Cliff Walk. Cost includes coach bus transportation and site admissions.