
23 2022

CBI's Adult Ed: FilmShul presents "Spielberg!"

8:30PM - 10:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel 701 Farmington Ave.
West Hartford, CT 06119
860-233-8215 bethisrael@cbict.org

Contact Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum
This program is virtual only. Please register at cbict.org

Join us for this virtual only program - register at cbict.org. Like the “Fellini-esque” Fellini and the “Hitchcockian” Hitchcock before him, Steven Spielberg is an artist whose work is so ubiquitous and instantly identifiable that his name has inspired its very own adjective—“Spielbergian.” One of the most commercially successful directors of all time, Spielberg is the creator of such beloved modern classics as Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. and the Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park series. We examine the life and career of the grand storyteller, with a particular focus on his upbringing as an Orthodox Jew and his later Jewish re-awakening, which yielded such vital works as Schindler’s List and Munich. His interests have also inspired the creation of the Shoah Foundation and Righteous Persons Foundation, which make Jewish history and tradition more accessible to all.