On December 7th, local and international jazz greats will return to Cheney Hall in Manchester, for the 4th Annual Jazz Festival. The Yotan Silberstein Quartet, from New York City and featuring Israeli jazz guitarist Yotan Silberstein, will share the stage with local and regional performers like Matt & Atla DeChamplain and The Hot Club, as well as the internationally renowned Greg Abate Quartet.
As in previous years, the festival is sponsored and hosted by Beth Sholom B’nai Israel (BSBI). The event will start at 7:00 p.m. on the 7th, and a silent auction, raffle tickets and artist CD’s will be available for sale. Ticket prices will start at $35, and ticket sales will open soon at https://www.myshul.org/jazzfest2019.
Sponsor: Beth Sholom B'nai Israel