Beth El Temple Men's Club presents the Distinguished Service Award Banquet. Join us as we honor of Dave Diamond and Phil Schulz for their many years of devoted service to Beth El Temple and the Men's Club. The program will include a special tribute to Dr. Joe Springut z’’l.
Our guest speaker will be Nancy Wyman, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut. Beth El Temple Congregational President Jonathan Alter, Esquire, will be our Master of Ceremonies.
This event is open to the entire community.
Cost: $50 per person ($75 Patrons; $100 Sponsors). Platinum Sponsor including table of 12 and full-page ad: $1,800
RSVP: Send in reply by 9/24. All Beth El members will receive an invitation to the program as well as a mailing about placing an ad in the tribute book. Any questions, contact Stephen Rabb at 860-677-8300 or .
Website for more information: https://tinyurl.
Sponsor: Beth El Temple