We are all on our individual journeys to find meaning in our lives. For most of us, taking responsibility for improving the lives of others is our greatest source of satisfaction. It is an awesome responsibility, and one the Jewish community takes seriously with our collective commitment to Tikkun Olam, the true mitzvah of repairing the world.
This week's Torah portion, Bechukotai, tells us of the tremendous responsibilities given to the Jewish people. We are shown that along with the role we each play individually to improve the world, so too the Jewish people have that role.
Over the past ten weeks, we have shared with you some amazing stories of how individuals in our community have been positively impacted by the actions, deeds and financial support of people like you. By fulfilling the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam, you were able to engage in personally meaningful actions that positively altered the lives and experiences of others.
When I reflect on the composite of stories we shared, I am struck by the range of opportunities the Federation makes available that allow people to honor our heritage, connect with Israel, embrace Jewish education and form lasting relationships with our neighbors of other faiths, to name just a few. The Federation is that portal through which we help people express Jewish values in ways that are uniquely meaningful and personal.
Our story is simple. This is an amazing, diverse Jewish community; rich in history and relationships. The connective tissue that binds us together transcends institutional affiliations. This is a community where there are multiple paths to travel on one's Jewish journey with a wide range of support to make that journey meaningful. We are an organization that is committed to grow and change in ways that will continue to provide opportunities for each of you to create your own powerful and unique stories.
As a people, we are known for our stories, and in that tradition we wish to continue to share those personal stories that will elevate and inspire us to reach higher and do better. If you have a special tale to tell, a meaningful anecdote or a special moment you wish to share, please let me know. Together, we can compile a collection of stories and accounts that can enhance our individual journeys and strengthen the bonds that connect us as Jews and as human beings.
Wishing you a most peaceful Shabbat.
Howard Sovronsky
President & CEO
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