The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is deeply disappointed that the United States abstained from Friday's vote on the one-sided, anti-Israel resolution that was passed by the UN Security Council.
The decision to abstain undermined a core principle of American foreign policy that has been embraced by Democratic and Republican administrations for decades: that the only route to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is through direct negotiations between the parties.
The Obama administration's abstention also upended its own stance against UN resolutions that isolate Israel. Two years ago when the U.S. vetoed a similar resolution, UN Ambassador Samantha Power stated, “peace will come from hard choices and compromises that must be made at the negotiating table.” The administration also ignored the advice of 88 U.S. Senators who urged President Obama in September to reject such resolutions.
President Obama has consistently supported Israel’s right to self-defense and affirmed that America has an “iron clad commitment to make sure Israel is secure.” Several weeks ago, the U.S. and Israel signed an unprecedented $38 billion military aid package.
It is tragic that the administration chose to mar its legacy of support for the Jewish State and set back the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace. We encourage you to contact Connecticut's Congressional delegation to express your disappointment in the administration and to ask for the condemnation of Resolution 2334 and for continued support for Israel.
Howard Sovronsky
President and CEO
Eric M. Zachs
Chair, Board of Directors
Laura Zimmerman
Vice President, Planning and Community Impact
David Brandwein
Chair, Jewish Community Relations Council
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