
4 2016

Shabbaton with Rabbi David Hoffman

5:30PM - 8:30PM  

The Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117
(860) 236-1275

Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi David Hoffman, Vice Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary will discuss the lives, rivalries and relationships of the Sages of the Talmud.

Shabbat services and dinner followed by a lecture by Rabbi Hoffman. Babysitting will be provided during the talk.

5:30pm Mincha and Kabalat Shabbat
6:00pm Maariv Friday Evening Service
6:30pm Dinner prepared by The Emanuel Brotherhood
7:30pm Rabbi David Hoffman

Sponsored by The Emanuel Synagogue Adult Education, The Arts at Emanuel, the Fishman Family Fund and Michael and Sandra Myers, in memory of their parents, Daniel and Shirley Myers and Jack and Natalie Lebovitz.