Ladies, please jjoin the Beth Sholom B'nai Israel Sisterhood for Film Night! We will be viewing the film "The Band's Visit."
The 8 men of an Egyptian band arrive in Israel having been booked to play at an Arab Cultural Center only to find out they have arrived in the middle of the Negev Desert with no transportation out until the following day. Watch as they are taken in by the Israeli townspeople, form bonds, and share a sense of unspoken longing and loneliness.
Roger Ebert says: "'The Band's Visit' has not provided any of the narrative payoffs we might have expected, but has provided something more valuable: an interlude involving two "enemies," Arabs and Israelis, that shows them both as only ordinary people with ordinary hopes, lives and disappointments. It has also shown us two souls with rare beauty.
This is a free event; a donation is suggested.