
13 2022

Morning Minyan & the World Wide Wrap with Men's Club

8:45AM - 10:45AM  

Beth El Temple 2626 Albany Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117


Contact Phil Schulz

8:45am - Morning Minyan (Clergy available to assist with tefillin)
9:30am - Tefillin Program with Rabbi Rachel Zerin

We invite you to join us for the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin in a minyan service. This will be followed by a special tefillin program with Rabbi Jim Rosen and Rabbi Rachel Zerin. We'll learn more about tefillin: how it is made, why we wear it, the value of wearing it, and of course, how to wrap it. Breakfast will follow if COVID-19 protocols allow (RSVP required).

Sponsor: Beth El Temple Men's Club