
22 2024

Journey and Joy on Sukkot: A Hands-On Workshop

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Mandell JCC
Register: www.mandelljcc.org/tix 335 Bloomfield Ave
West Hartford, CT 06117
8602316455 Lsax@mandelljcc.org

Contact Leslie Sax
Register: www.mandelljcc.org/tix

Sukkot is one the three major Jewish pilgrimage holidays; it celebrates the fall harvest, and its primary focus is joy. During this week long festival, Jews build a temporary structure called a sukkah and invite friends and family to come to their sukkah to visit and share a meal. In that spirit, we invite you to join us in the Sukkah in the JCC Courtyard* for a special workshop led by Debra Cantor, Rabbi of B'nai Tikvoh-Sholom, and Certified Facilitator of the Jewish Studio Process. Through text study, reflection, and art-making, we'll explore the themes of pilgrimage, fragility, and joy. The program will also include traditional blessings and a snack. People of all faiths are welcome!

This is a related event to the Interfaith Art Exhibition: Holy City - a spiritual pilgrimage featuring the art of Brian Whelan at Hartford International University from October 15-November 22

*Weather permitting; if necessary, we will move inside the JCC.

Sponsor: Mandell Jewish Community Center