ALEPH: The Institute of Jewish Ideas Launches 2024 Series,
“The Land of Israel in Jewish Thought”
Community-wide Jewish Learning Initiative Features Expert Speakers
ALEPH: The Institute of Jewish Ideas, a community-wide Jewish learning initiative, will offer a series of presentations from expert speakers about the Land of Israel in Jewish Thought, beginning February 15. The hybrid series, offered at the Mandell Jewish Community Center and on Zoom, will explore the evolution of the Land of Israel in Jewish thought from the Bible to the teachings of the Rabbis, the place of the Land in the Jewish imagination in the medieval period, and its evolution in religious, cultural, and political terms in the modern period.
“We selected the 2024 theme ‘The Land of Israel in Jewish Thought’ before the horrific events of October 7th and the outbreak of war with Hamas,” says Dr. Avinoam J. Patt. “However, these events only reinforce the important and timely need for deep study of the history of Jewish relationship to the Land of Israel through ALEPH with our excellent instructors.”
Sponsor: Mandell JCC, UConn Judaic Studies & Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford