The Jewish Genealogical Society of Connecticut hosts Stephen Denker on Sunday, November 17, 2019, at 1:30 pm, at Temple Sinai, 41 West Hartford Rd, Newington. The topic of the presentation is " How to Design and Construct a Family History Book Entirely by Yourself ".
The presentation covers, in detail, how to design and construct a book for self-publishing, including aesthetic considerations and organization of subject matter. Included will be ways to prepare, repair and enhance documents, and other research materials for publication, including specific examples to illustrate techniques and options. One major problem I will treat is putting together a book that contains records (e.g., Censuses and Ship Manifests) that are much too large to fit onto one-page
Stephen Denker and his wife have been collaboratively researching their family histories since 1999. Together they have self-published five hard-cover family history and genealogy books (exceeding 800 pages) entirely by themselves. In 2007, they spent two weeks in Havana, Cuba, doing research and visiting where his family lived in the 1920s. They updated the 1400 burial records of the United Hebrew Congregation Jewish Cemetery and took a complete set of gravestone photographs that they placed on JewishGen Online World Burial Registry (JOWBR).
The program is free and open to the public. For additional information, visit
Sponsor: Jewish Genealogical Society of Connecticut